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Old 09-25-2007, 11:30 AM
Willems01 Willems01 is offline
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Recording Windows Media .WMA MMS audio streams from to MP3 files

I want to record from, but they send their streaming radio through windows media player which makes it not recordable for dummies. Can I use WMrecord or WSrecordpro to save the tracks as mp3? Is it also possible to separate the tracks as mp3 and attach the track names?
Thanks Tijs
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Old 09-25-2007, 12:43 PM
Stream Recorder
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Re:Recording Windows Media .WMA MMS audio streams from to MP3 fil

Windows Media MMS audio streams at are very easy to record. You should learn How to get the URL of a media stream first. On this web-site you can right click on a .ASX link, select "Save target as..." and then open the saved .ASX metafile with a text editor like Windows Notepad. Copy the mms:// URL and paste it into your favorite stream capturing software.

WM Recorder is the most powerful Windows media stream recorder. You don't have to worry about stream URLs with it. Just play your stream and WM Recorder will find the URL. Also WM Recorder can capture your stream automatically in the AUTO recording mode.

You may also use freeware Orbit Downloader, GAMV, SDP receiver or any other media stream recorder supporting MMS streams.

The only problem is that stream capturing software can't split tracks when recording music stream (track splitting and tagging only works for Icecast/Shoutcast and Flash MP3 radio stations). Besides capturing means that your recordings will have the file format that is being broadcasted, so here you will get .WMA files.

There are lots of audio converters that can convert .WMA files to .MP3. Replay AV can convert captured stream to MP3 or M4B after recording it, but I suggest you to convert files later on and preserve the original files. You may use a freeware audio/video converter MediaCoder.

If you don't mind to record from your sound card, you can use Replay Music. It records any broadcast to MP3 files automatically splitting and tagging audio tracks.
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Old 09-25-2007, 02:50 PM
Willems01 Willems01 is offline
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Re: Recording Windows Media .WMA MMS audio streams from to MP3 fi

thanks for the fast answer and tricks. I will try them first
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Old 09-26-2007, 02:34 AM
Willems01 Willems01 is offline
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Re: Recording Windows Media .WMA MMS audio streams from to MP3 fi

"If you don't mind to record from your sound card..."! It sounds exactly what I want with separating tracks and tagging them automatically. Why would you not record over the sound card? What is the difference between recording from an URL and from the sound card, is it quality, convienence, PC speed, or you need to listen to the music while recording over the card and any other sounds are recorded as well? Where can I find these basic information to learn more, without finding out by doing it.
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Old 09-26-2007, 06:00 AM
Stream Recorder
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Re: Recording Windows Media .WMA MMS audio streams from to MP3 fi

You can capture multiple streams simultaneously and record only one from your sound card. And of course when recording your stream from the sound card you can't listen to any other music or watch a movie.

When you record from your sound card you re-compress audio files, but when you capture a stream you don't lose any quality.

It is more realiable to capture an on-demand stream, than to record it from a sound card. But here we have live streams.

p.s. You can find this an other information in the forum and in the Streaming media FAQ.
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