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Go Back   Audio/video stream recording forums > Media file management > Removing copy-protection (like DRM, AACS)
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Old 04-25-2007, 02:59 PM
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MuvAudio2 - Another option instead of Tunebite and Soundtaxi

Here's another one to add to the list. Definitely my preferred choice out of the bunch.

Pulled from their website:

Your audio, any way you want it.
Have a portable music player that doesn't support certain audio files? Do you wish it did? Now, with MuvAudio , you can convert them to a format that your player supports, quickly and easily. It's your audio; you should be able to listen to it wherever your music player takes you.

Convert audio files that other programs can't, at incredible speed.

By pioneering the technique of digital conversion using virtual audio devices, MuvAudio is able to convert audio files that other programs can't, at up to 10x real-time. Want to see if MuvAudio can convert your audio files (WMA, MP3, FLAC, and more)? Download the free trial and convert them for yourself. You'll be amazed at what MuvAudio can do for your audio.

Digital conversion means digital quality, true to the original.
We care about the quality of your audio. Other programs that convert using your soundcard can cause significant audio quality loss. That's why all conversions through MuvAudio are digital. Digital conversion means digital quality, true to the original, and with MuvAudio2, that's exactly what you get.
  • Converts at up to 10x* real-time. A breakthrough in the real-time recording world!
  • Convert to MP3 (CBR and VBR), WMA (Lossless), FLAC, OGG, MP4, WAV and more...
  • Supports MP3, WMA, OGG, and FLAC meta-tagging of, Author, Title, Album, Year, Genre, and Track Number.
  • Now compatible with Windows Vista©!
  • Fully customizable output directory and filename settings to organize your music exactly the way you want.
  • Watch Folder Mode lets you set a directory to watch for items to convert and automatically converts them.
  • Digital conversion retains the quality of the original.
  • Automatically downloads and embeds album cover art directly into MP3 files.
  • Record the audio from most filetypes playable by Windows Media Player© (dvr-ms, rmi, mpeg, mpg, mpe, miv, mp2, wav, ivf, mpv2, mp2v, mpa, aif, aifc, aiff, au, snd, mp3, wmv, wma, asf, wvx, wmx, and avi) and additional filetypes using WMP plugins (m4a, mp4, ogg, flac, spx, mpc, ape, wv, ofr, ofs, and tta)
  • Supports "Sound Seclusion": MuvAudio2© only records the audio file, not other sounds made by your computer. Now you can use your computer while recording! Another breakthrough!
  • And much more...
The program costs US $18.99. Check it out if Tunebite or Soundtaxi don't suit your needs.
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Old 04-27-2007, 12:32 PM
Stream Recorder
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MuvAudio vs. Soundtaxi and other DRM remover software

Soundtaxi can remove DRM protection from Windows Media Player and iTunes. It works with every major music download and subscription service. It can even remove DRM protection from audiobooks from Audible. It has a high speed digital dubbing feature (up to 13x the playback speed). And it is slightly cheaper than MuvAudio.

Why should I use MuvAudio then? 'coz it have a nice affiliate program that can bring me some money?

What do you think? Is MuvAudio easier to use than Sountaxi or TuneBite? Is it more powerful? Does it really have any features that you need and other software lacks of?
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Old 08-02-2007, 03:52 AM
mctracy mctracy is offline
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Re: MuvAudio2 - Another option instead of Tunebite and Soundtaxi

I also found another option: Note Burner

it can do what Soundtaxi can do and it is much faster.
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