This is what I get for a start:
streamlink.exe --loglevel debug dash://%url% best
[cli][debug] OS: Windows 10
[cli][debug] Python: 3.8.6
[cli][debug] Streamlink: 2.0.0
[cli][debug] Requests(2.25.1), Socks(1.7.1), Websocket(0.57.0)
[cli][info] Found matching plugin dash for URL dash://
[plugins.dash][debug] Parsing MPD URL:
error: is protected by DRM
Press any key to continue . . .
I don't watch content when somebody is so keen that I don't see it
and don't make much effort to go arround it.
There is enough good content on the internet for me without paying somebody anything
except my internet connection.
People talked about that on this forum and it isn't easy to find all that is here.
I came across this link when somebody else was watching it and I was watching what he was watching,
in that way you learn new things as well.
Your last post is perfect in every way, it is a challenge.