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Old 10-04-2020, 06:30 AM
Ed999 Ed999 is offline
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Direct sound recording software - record anything from your sound card

I'd like to say a word on behalf of Cool Edit Pro 2.1 (I use Build 3097), an old choice but a good one.

Widely available now, because of its age, but a very effective means of recording any sound played by your computer.

Record as WAV file, using Cool Edit Pro:

- Options > Settings (or press F4); then set -
-> Temp Folder: C:\TEMP
-> Total Buffer Size: 8 seconds
-> Buffers: 32

- File > New > 44,100 Hz, 16 bit, Stereo

- Options > Windows Recording Mixer > Stereo Mix
(NB: This MUST be started *before* "Monitor Record Level")

- Options > Monitor Record Level (or press F10)

- Set Level (dB): -2 [or Normalize afterwards to 89%]

- To start recording: click RED button

- Normalize to 89% (Optional)

- Select desired End point > ADD a Cue (Basic cue)

NB: It is essential to select and *mark* the END first;
and only then select the start

- Without moving the End point, select desired Start point
and then ADD a second Cue

- Save selected section (*both* channels, L & R):
File > Save Selection > MP3Pro / MPEG4-AAC

NB: Alternatively, to save the selected section as Mono:
Select single channel > Ctrl + A > File >
Save Selection > MP3Pro / MPEG4-AAC

NB: Alternatively, to save the *entire* recording as Stereo:
Ctrl + A > File > Save As

30 minutes WAV (Stereo) = 300 MB of (temporary) disk space
30 minutes WAV (Mono) = 150 MB of (temporary) disk space
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