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Old 04-11-2018, 07:08 AM
j_cool j_cool is offline
Senior Member
Join Date: Feb 2016
Posts: 515
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Re: free chat

You can learn about good software by doing a little more reading on this forum.

Here it is about how to do it yourself.

Your question was trivial not so long ago, but now it is a good question.

This is because rtmp protocol is little in use and nobody cares about developing rtmpdump for the sake of LiveJasmin.

Recent changes on their website make old tools less effective.

This is normal, development goes normaly everywhere except for rtmp tools.

Here is about LiveJasmin development:

They claim to have 200 developers working for them currently, so no wonder when 200 bollocks work on one project
together, it results in a little bit of mess.

They are the only site on the internet that can crush my computer with me just by clicking on their page in firefox 59.

Now it looks like as if that they are looking for a serious developer probably for the sake of themselves rather than
because of me or you watching free or private show this way or that way.

Until somebody comes up with the solution about how to watch rtmp stream over websocket protocol you can watch
FREE stream easily over http protocol:

vlc %url%

Recording rtmp stream may work with Rtmpdump Helper and an old browser that does not support html 5.

RTMP Proxy Server v2.4 GIT-2015-12-14 (Compiled by KSV)
(c) 2010 Andrej Stepanchuk, Howard Chu; license: GPL

Streaming on rtmp://
WARNING: Trying different position for client digest!
Processing connect
app : tvchannel
flashVer : WIN 29,0,0,140
swfUrl :
tcUrl : rtmp://
pageUrl :!chat/LucyAngell
live : no
Playpath :
Saving as : e.flv
ERROR: RTMP_ReadPacket, failed to read RTMP packet header
Closing connection... done!

WARNING: Trying different position for client digest!
Processing connect
app : memberChat/jasminLilCuteBlondie76748ed81cacaf4850d48e33288e11 66?sessionId-1d43bf23780d8a18b32e1cc890eaa609|clientInstanceId-7105144836179453759979542313591
flashVer : WIN 29,0,0,140
swfUrl :
tcUrl : rtmp:// 66?sessionId-1d43bf23780d8a18b32e1cc890eaa609|clientInstanceId-7105144836179453759979542313591
pageUrl :!chat/LucyAngell
WARNING: Trying different position for client digest!
Processing connect
app : memberChat/jasminLilCuteBlondie76748ed81cacaf4850d48e33288e11 66?sessionId-1d43bf23780d8a18b32e1cc890eaa609|clientInstanceId-7105144836179453759979542313591
flashVer : WIN 29,0,0,140
swfUrl :
tcUrl : rtmp:// 66?sessionId-1d43bf23780d8a18b32e1cc890eaa609|clientInstanceId-7105144836179453759979542313591
pageUrl :!chat/LucyAngell
ERROR: RTMP_ReadPacket, failed to read RTMP packet header
Closing connection... done!

live : no
Playpath : streams/clonedLiveStream
Saving as : 2018-04-11_02-06-14_clonedLiveStream.flv
INFO: Metadata:
INFO: hasVideo TRUE
INFO: width 864.00
INFO: height 480.00
INFO: framerate 30.00
INFO: videocodecid avc1
INFO: videodatarate 794.00
INFO: videoonly FALSE
INFO: avcprofile 77.00
INFO: avclevel 32.00
INFO: hasAudio TRUE
INFO: audiocodecid mp4a
INFO: audiosamplerate 48000.00
INFO: audiodatarate 56.00
INFO: audiochannels 1.00
INFO: stereo FALSE
INFO: audiosamplesize 16.00
INFO: audioonly FALSE
INFO: aacaot 1.00
WARNING: ignoring too small audio packet: size: 0
ERROR: Handshake failed
Closing connection... done!

Recorded flv file is corrupt, I get it straight by converting it to mp4 file with yamb/mp4box.

Last edited by j_cool : 04-12-2018 at 04:41 AM.
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