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Old 02-21-2009, 06:53 AM
scorpion scorpion is offline
DVR and CCTV expert
Join Date: Jun 2008
Location: Melbourne Florida
Posts: 57
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Re: four camera cctv system using a AV760Z(UK) DVR: setting password/key lock

Did you buy this brand new, or second hand?

If new then it should not have a key lock on it.

For those who do not have a manual the 0000 means to press the enter button 4 times.

Was this DVR set up by an installer? They may have programmed a keylock, and you can call them to get the number, unless you are on bad terms with them.

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For others who come here from a search engine

To reset your password

First you must be the DVR owner. In other words if you are an employee then perhaps you should get permission to do so.

Open up the chassis. With the buttons in front of you, and the BNC connections away from you then look at the PC board.
Starting where the small power supply board is attached to the main board then slowly look down along the main board edge. You will see two pins sticking up. This should be JP2. Unplug the DVR, and wait a few seconds to give it time to "power down". Take a screw driver and short the two pins. Power on the DVR, and count to 10, and then release the short. This should reset it back to factory default. Press the "enter" button 4 times to get in to the menu.
1111 is for non admin use (cam 1 four times).

If it does not reset then hold the short until the first beep.

Take care
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