This is only one way you can view and record in VLC:
streamlink "hlsvariant://http://api.new.livestream.com/accounts/6140873/events/2549324/broadcasts/161279428.m3u8?dw=100&hdnea=st=1502827521~exp=1502 829321~acl=/i/6140873_2549324_lsidfyttcxskuxqm978_1@408138/*~hmac=a3e85b38031653bed17d446383748113c1579c8fcb4 2277946f0561e24e1f0a7" best
In Firefox:
Tools > Web Developer > Web Console
>> window.config.event.stream_info.m3u8_url > Enter
Thank you for your help.
I think i need a CMD code to be able to use this link right?
I use Livestreamer before and i thin I use a CMD .bat file to open VLC and the stream, did you know how to create one? I try several and i just can get it to work.