There are many answers to that already on this forum.
There are fewer and fewer RTMP streams on the internet and more streams of other type
and looking on longer term there won't be any more news websites using RTMP streams left.
You can get your RTMP parameters with rtmpdumphelper, download the stream with
rtmpdump and pipe output to vlc, or use ffplay.exe
streamlink and youtube-dl are good to get "other" type of stream, here is one example:
streamlink.exe 1864k
Here are your RTMP parameters from rtmpdumphelper:
rtmpdump -r "rtmp://"
-a "edge"
-f "WIN 26,0,0,131"
-W ""
-p ""
-y "cnni_live"
-o "2017-06-19_09-26-42_cnni_live.flv"
RTMP Proxy Server v2.4 GIT-2015-12-14 (Compiled by KSV)
(c) 2010 Andrej Stepanchuk, Howard Chu; license: GPL
Streaming on rtmp://
WARNING: Trying different position for client digest!
Processing connect
app : edge
flashVer : WIN 26,0,0,131
swfUrl :
tcUrl : rtmp://
pageUrl :
live : no
Playpath : cnni_live
Saving as : 2017-06-19_09-26-42_cnni_live.flv
INFO: Metadata:
INFO: width 640.00
INFO: height 360.00
INFO: displayWidth 640.00
INFO: displayHeight 360.00
INFO: duration 0.00
INFO: framerate 25.00
INFO: fps 25.00
INFO: videodatarate 292.00
INFO: videocodecid 7.00
INFO: audiodatarate 58.00
INFO: audiocodecid 10.00
WARNING: ignoring too small audio packet: size: 0