Not yet.
At that time ffplay.exe worked somehow with some errors, post #57
[http @ 04933140] Invalid cookie found, no value, path or domain specified
[http @ 06820880] HTTP error 403 Forbidden= 49KB sq= 0B f=0/0
Later I discovered streamlink and beardypig wrote new
I missed -ldebug in livestreamer readme file back then.
I am curious what caused 403.
I did run livestreamer now for test:
C:\MISC\NEWS\HRTV>livestreamer.exe -ldebug best
[cli][info] Found matching plugin filmon for URL
error: No streams found on this URL:
Press any key to continue . . .
Running streamlink with -ldebug there is no error now.
C:\MISC\NEWS\HRTV>streamlink.exe -ldebug best
[cli][info] Found matching plugin filmon for URL
[cli][info] Available streams: low (worst), high (best)
[cli][info] Opening stream: high (hls-filmon)
[stream.hls][debug] Reloading playlist
[stream.hls-filmon][debug] Reloading FilmOn channel playlist: bbc-news
[stream.hls][debug] Adding segment 493927 to queue
[cli][debug] Pre-buffering 8192 bytes
[stream.hls][debug] Adding segment 493928 to queue
[stream.hls][debug] Adding segment 493929 to queue
[stream.hls][debug] Download of segment 493927 complete
[cli][info] Starting player: C:\P\VLC\vlc.exe
[cli][debug] Writing stream to output
[stream.hls][debug] Download of segment 493928 complete
[stream.hls][debug] Download of segment 493929 complete