Originally Posted by ihryjfbd
k I found a fix, use wireshark to find your username through a Display Filter then use that filter and click on
Handshake C2|connect('live-edge')
then click
Real Time Messaging Protocol (AMF0 Command connect('live-edge'))
the first string under 2.650 is your password without the ' '.
@echo off
setlocal enableDelayedExpansion
set CB_VERSION=2.650
set OUT_DIR=J:\captures
set SECONDS=15
set /p model=Enter username:
set model=%model:https://chaturbate.com/=%
set model=%model:/=%
if not exist %OUT_DIR% (mkdir %OUT_DIR%)
for /L %%i in (1,1,99) do (
set N=!time:~9,12!
set /a N=10000!N! %% 10000
set rand=!random!
set /a rand=!rand!* 31/32768+1
set /a rand=!N!+!rand!
set /a rand=!rand!*31/131+1
set server=edge%rand%
set ts=%date:/=-%_%time::=-%
set ts=%ts: =%
set output=%OUT_DIR%\%model%_%ts%.flv
color 2F && title %model% @ %time% - %server%
cls && echo Capturing: %model% @ %time% - %server% && echo.
rtmpdump --live --timeout 20 ^
-r "rtmp://%server%.stream.highwebmedia.com/live-edge" ^
-p "http://chaturbate.com/%model%" ^
-C S:username ^
-C S:%model% ^
-C S:password ^
-y "playpath" -o %output%
for %%r in (%output%) do (
if %%~zr lss 1 del %output%
color 4F && title %model% - OFFLINE
set /a rand=%random%*31/32768+1
set server=edge%rand%
timeout %SECONDS%
goto doCapture
Im having a little trouble figuring out how to find my username with display filters
EDIT: Figured it out thanks alot for all the help <3