Originally Posted by alexiase
Hi i'm new here
i've just installed chaturbaterec.
everything is ok
but i don't understand how i must list the models in the models.list
Right mouse click on the program to add models, then right mouse again and select the option to save.
To manual edit, first you must put 0 or 1 to record and the rest is the model name, for example:
I created a bat file to automatically record a specific model (loops each 30+ seconds), rtmpdump must be on the same folder, and the name of the bat must be the model name (ex model.bat), the save directory "savedir" should also be configured:
@echo off
set savedir=C:\CBsaves
set model=%~n0
set hour=%time:~0,2%
if "%hour:~0,1%" == " " set hour=0%hour:~1,1%
set min=%time:~3,2%
if "%min:~0,1%" == " " set min=0%min:~1,1%
set secs=%time:~6,2%
if "%secs:~0,1%" == " " set secs=0%secs:~1,1%
set year=%date:~-4%
set month=%date:~3,2%
if "%month:~0,1%" == " " set month=0%month:~1,1%
set day=%date:~0,2%
if "%day:~0,1%" == " " set day=0%day:~1,1%
set _my_datetime=%year%-%month%-%day%_%hour%-%min%-%secs%
echo -------- %_my_datetime% --------
echo Model: %model%
@set file=%savedir%\%_my_datetime%_%model%.flv
rtmpdump -r "rtmp://edge50-b.stream.highwebmedia.com/live-edge" -a "live-edge" -f "WIN 20,0,0,270" -W "https://chaturbate.com/static/flash/CBV_2p647.swf" -p "https://chaturbate.com/%model%/" -C S:AnonymousUser -C S:%model% -C S:2.646 -C S:anonymous -C S:37c7e09e2cdacc04afbed13f030bd8fa24ddd4ffd4bb70d0d6f8da9ee1627398 --live -y "mp4:rtmp://origin8.stream.highwebmedia.com/live-origin/%model%" -o "%file%"
call :setsize %file%
IF %size%==0 DEL %file%
@ping -n 1 -w 30000 > nul
goto loop
set size=%~z1
goto :eof