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Old 11-12-2008, 10:17 AM
Posts: n/a

Re: Recording RTMP Webcams from (How to record XXX web-cam videos from cam4)

Sorry to bring this up again put i got some questions.

The link to flvtool++ doesnt work, but i found one in another place.
But all i got was some files, and you had to have 2 other programs.
One of thoose in turn required another thing called phyton.
Is it suppose to work that way?

In the hex editor i change the fifth byte (04) to 05 on all files, sound or not. Some plays and some dont.

The program i use is Real Player since its the only one i can seek.
But during some (mostly the long ones) it often after a while jump forward. Is that something that flvtool++ fixes?

Something that might matter is that i only let the stream start downloading (after restarting it), and then close the window.
Does it mather if the window is open once you get the stream in grab?
And if i restart the capture it can take a while before downloading, sometimes it wont even start even if the stream is there,
any reason for this?

Btw i got v2.7.6 and it woks.
(But maybe not as it should.)

Lots of questions but i hope i get some answers on some of them.
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