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Old 02-05-2015, 11:36 AM
loubat loubat is offline
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Re: Atresdownloader - WWE Network support?

Originally Posted by geoffk View Post
I am having the same problem as a previous user. It appears that my download from WWE completes correctly. I downloaded version m3u8_4500 of the video.

After download completes, an incomplete MP4 file is left. Trying several different times, the length of the video varies each time, but is never complete. Like I get 10 minutes out of a 3 hour video in the MP4.
I have roughly 700 hundred of TS files left on my machine.

What do I need to do so that the MP4 is created completely?

I am a beginner and new to all this. Step by step directions is appreciate. I have tried on two different Windows 7 machines.

First off, good luck! It appears that's the key, luck! lol. I gave up for a couple weeks. Went on the adownloader install website ( and noticed that the installer and patch had been updated, even though the version number hasn't changed, still says 17.3. BUT, the modified date was January 30th, which was more recent than my last download of 17.3. I tried it on one of the videos which I couldn't get it to completely produce the mp4 for, and it worked this time. I had already uninstalled, restarted pc, reinstalled, dozens of times. Almost went over my data cap last month trying to get this program to work.

Uninstalled, restarted, and reinstalled this "new" copy of 17.3, and the 17.3P patch, and it seemingly magically worked this time. So far I've only tried the one stream. I'll try another one and update you, but last time I got it to work once, changed nothing, then it just quit working, so I don't have high hopes of continued success.

I've donated to this program, and am grateful that it works without much fuss - WHEN it works. But it needs a lot of debugging, which is why I donated. The stream ripping seems to work fine, but the joining, dycrpting, and production of the mp4 on the backend seems to be buggy.

Of course it works on some systems all the time, some systems some of the time, and some systems not at all. That's what you would expect from a non-professionally designed program with no quality-assurance staff. It's just one guy, working on a program with HIS specific PC to test on.

Anyway, long story short, if you downloaded the installer before January 30th, redownload it and go through the uninstall, restart, reinstall routine again. MAYBE, it'll work.

People who say, "The program is fine, it's something wrong on your end!!!!" are missing the bigger picture, and so are people who show up spitting venom because this free program doesn't work on their specific pc, but that's the internets for ya!

Edit: Ok, just downloaded a 1.9gb, 2hr 16min video and it came out perfectly. Looks like maybe the encoding issues have been worked out for my set up. Really nothing that I want to download again until the 8th, so unless I'm just beta-testing for this program, lol, we'll see if it still works in a couple days. Good luck!

Last edited by loubat : 02-05-2015 at 12:42 PM.
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