You can sniff it out and search for it using any descent url sniffer (wireshark, fiddler, etc...)
Originally Posted by Karim AlHousiny
How to get that Key file, and encrypt it like that ?
Don't know for sure, but you can try
Originally Posted by Karim AlHousiny
And If I'm going to make a batch downloading,
Is it gonna work If I put all of the download commands, one after another in a (*.bat) file ?
Stick to the method you know! There's no "easy way" or "free ride" when it comes to finding rtmp's or m3u8's... Just use your favorite sniffing tool(s) and get to work!
Originally Posted by Karim AlHousiny
finally, I know how to get the m3u8 file, but I think you may have a better way So, Would you Please tell me how to get it ?
