This is exactly what I'm looking for !!!
thank you so much for your help peterpan
I tried to do what you told me but it didn't work in the beginning
ffmpeg said "Unable to open key file 57c4bacb7ef9420f8e16ee3b0ca7f34a.key"
then I figured that I have to Put the key file in the same folder with the m3u8 file,
ant it worked perfectly, thanks to you and chap
But I still need your help please,
How to get that Key file, and encrypt it like that ?
And If I'm going to make a batch downloading,
Is it gonna work If I put all of the download commands, one after another in a (*.bat) file ?
finally, I know how to get the m3u8 file, but I think you may have a better way
So, Would you Please tell me how to get it ?
Thanks so much for your time, I am so grateful for your help bro