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Old 08-07-2008, 02:07 PM
Stream Recorder
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The 2008 Beijing Olympic Games - Watch p2p TV online video

If you want to move beyond bite-size recaps and highlight reels, p2p Internet TV sites are your best bet for backdoor access to unedited blocks of Olympic games footage. Additionally, content is likely to be available sooner than the 12-hour delays expected with some of NBC's coverage. Try these web workarounds for full access to the Olympic games.
  • TVU Networks
    This P2P internet TV player requires a free download and only works with Windows, but is a good resource for watching global sporting events online.
  • TVants
    This is a P2P Internet TV, which requires a free download. TVants can run on Windows or on Linux's WINE.
  • Sopcast
    This free P2P internet TV player requires a download, but offers a wide lineup of channels broadcasting the Olympic games.
  • PPMate
    A Chinese P2P Internet TV network, download. PPMate only run under Windows.
  • Veetle
    Stanford University's experimental web TV platform requires a downloadable player, but offers live broadcasts of soccer games, basketball and more.

And you can always use p2p sharing web-site powered by BitTorrent to download videos. Miss the opening ceremonies? Or the four-hour finale of table tennis? Try downloading torrents of popular Olympic events. Top torrent-tracking sites to try include isoHunt, Demonoid, Mininova and EZTV.
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