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Old 08-05-2008, 09:52 AM
Stream Recorder
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Re: Convert video from digital camera to flash video .FLV for my web-site

Originally Posted by nc1golf
I'm trying to find out how to download a digital recording(camera) to a website for teaching purposes. Where can I find out how to learn/do this? I'd like to have separate 'mini' videos for folks to download or be able to select the entire library of these 'minis'.
Thanks for any help!
It really depends on the format used by your digital camera. But most audio/video converters should be able to convert your digital video recordings to flash video. You can also use other formats on your web-site, for example: Windows Media .WMV video, QuickTime .MP4 and .MOV videos, Real Media .RM video. But flash video is a very good choice.

Try freeware MediaCoder to convert your recordings. It doesn't have the best interface, but it is free.
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