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Old 02-19-2014, 06:03 PM
nwtim nwtim is offline
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Re: Stream capture from NBCOlympics

Originally Posted by dave5654656 View Post
any luck on this?

I've been trying to and I have the same issue...

i.e., run the adobeHDS script against the f4m manifest file and it just assembles a flash video file (i.e,. flv) that only has the keyframes seemingly

perhaps there's some extra parameter to pass/tweak in order for it to request all of the frames instead of just keyframes?
Using the Firefox add-on DownloadThemAll, I've been able to grab a long sequence of Seg1-FragXXX files, but I'm not certain how to join them with AdobeHDS.

In case it helps, the files I have are named as follows:


Of course, I can rename them to anything I want to make joining simpler, so I just need to know what tool and syntax to use to join them.

Can someone point me in the right direction for this? Thanks!
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