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Old 02-01-2014, 10:20 PM
Calvin1961 Calvin1961 is offline
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Re: Recording RTMP Webcams from cam4(HowTo record XXX/adult web-cam videos from cam4.

Originally Posted by Cbater View Post
Thank you for the update. I have many error messages in your old version.

1. Failed to establish RTMP session


2. 30 second timeout

By 2-3 cams your programm don't start to record. I am big fan and this is only a status report
None of these problems are caused by Cam4Grabber NOR can Cam4Grabber do ANYTHING to correct them.

BOTH of these errors you reported are caused by Cam4's SHOCKINGLY POOR coding effort and the resulting DREADFUL stability of the Cam4 site. Cam4 OFTEN "orphans" streams from senders resulting in Cam4Grabber reporting the errors you mentioned. If the stream is already "orphaned" (broken) when Cam4Grabber attempts to start recording you get error 1 - Failed to establish RTMP session. If the stream dies WHILE Cam4Grabber is recording you get error 2 - 30 second timeout.

Cam4 also has a habit of FAILING to correctly process when a video sender leaves/signs off. It keeps their profile in the list of current cams OFTEN for HUNDREDS if not THOUSANDS of minutes AFTER they have left. I refer to these as "phantom" cams. They often have heaps of viewers as everyone see them on the list, notices the profile picture, and rushes into their room, only to be greeted with the "spinning wheel" and no video.

I have spoken about all the problems that the Cam4 site has previously in this thread - frankly the situation is getting WORSE not better !

From my observation Elgero both the "guest" and "logged in viewer" streams are equally impacted by these problems, OFTEN both streams die at the same time. Occasionally switching to a different server may temporarily fix the problem eg: call or instead of URL snooper reports that the rtmp URL information and handshake are SOMETIMES then being handled by a different server (ie: different IP address) and it may manage to send you a "NOT broken" link to the sender's video stream that actually works ! It only works SOMETIMES though :-(

It is a great pity that Cam4 is the most popular site. They CERTAINLY DON'T DESERVE to be ! It really makes my blood boil that they make 100% markup on "tokens", and as a result make a BUCKET of money every day, and obviously spend NONE of it on fixing the site !

I wish they would go broke, so somebody who is actually technically competent could take their place ! The Cam4 site at the moment is about as stable as a giraffe on roller skates !
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