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Old 11-23-2012, 03:29 AM
S74ck3r S74ck3r is offline
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Re: Rtmpdump build for Android

Howto compile Rtmpdump for Android

1) Get the Android ndk ( and follow the instructions here (PATH_TO_NDK_INSTALL/../android-ndk-r7/docs/STANDALONE-TOOLCHAIN.html) to create a standalone android toolchain.

2) Download and install Mingw (

3) Download PolarSSL source from ( and unzip it to your mingw/msys home directorys. For me this was C:\MinGW\msys\1.0\home\S74ck3r. Current builds are made with PolarSSL 1.2.0

If you're going to build with PolarSSL 1.2.0 you will need to download an additional header from ( and copy it to your
mingw/include folder because it's not included in Mingw.

4) Open Mingw shell, add the path to the standalone android toolchain binaries to the path. On my system I did this, but it will depend on where you installed
the toolchain.

'export PATH=/c/tmp/android-toolchain/bin:$PATH'

5) CD to the unzipped PolarSSL directory and type;

'make CC=arm-linux-androideabi-gcc APPS='
'make install DESTDIR=/c/tmp/android-toolchain/sysroot'

(Obviously change the install destination directory if your toolchain is in a different location)

6) Get the Rtmpdump source. The following commands assume you have retrieved it from my repository (
You can obviously get the source directly from the official repository. There is no difference in the actual code (i.e. no added patches or additional functionality)
but I have added a target for android to the makefiles for convenience.

7) CD to the Rtmpdump source directory and type;

-- Shared library version
'make SYS=android CROSS_COMPILE=arm-linux-androideabi- INC="-I/c/tmp/android-toolchain/sysroot/include" CRYPTO=POLARSSL'
-- Static version
'make SYS=android CROSS_COMPILE=arm-linux-androideabi- INC="-I/c/tmp/android-toolchain/sysroot/include" CRYPTO=POLARSSL SHARED='

(Obviously change this if your toolchain is in a different location, make sure the include path is correct)

8) Done.
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