Originally Posted by BAW30s
I am using ReplayAV8, as per your link and the Applian web-site, so I think it's the most up to date version.
When I download with my
Replay AV (links from All-streaming-media go to Applian) I see "Version 8.41", and in your log I see "Version 8.04".
Originally Posted by BAW30s
I have downloaded and tried URL Snooper as you suggest, but it only gives the same rtsp url as I get by opening the ram file in Notepad, or which NetTransport can detect. As I say, even by inputting the rtsp url directly none of the programs I have tried download the streamed files apart from BBC Ripper and R7, but I only get a reasonable rendition with R7 if I make an avi file, and then there are always the problems with ram.
What URL exactly do you get with
URL Snooper?
Make sure it looks like the following one:
Do not look for RAM metafiles, 'coz you need Real Audio .RA files.
Also please let me know what stream URLs you can find when recording with
BBC Radio Ripper. It is interesting what kind of protocol (
http://, rtsp:// or pnm://) and what port number it uses (554, 7070, 8080, 80).
It might be easier to find stream URLs with the URL Finder of Replay AV, 'coz URL Snooper usually gives much more links than you really need.
Originally Posted by BAW30s
Incidentally, I have just come across another stream recorder, SoundTap, which forms part of the Australian NCH Software Suite. I have tried it, but so far again with no result.
Soundtap just records from your sound card. There are lots of alternatives to it, some of them are free.
Originally Posted by BAW30s
Are the BBC rtsp streams protected from downloading? I have heard something to that effect. I wonder if your programs somehow avoid this by connecting through a proxy, as I don't use one: could this be the difference? Otherwise, I am well and truly baffled.
No, BBC streams are not protected. They can be recorded from a regular radio tuner, so why should they be protected?