Originally Posted by Elgero
Sorry, somebody contacted me last week with a bug and I forgot to post the new version.
- Fixed bug that occurred when using an 'unsupported' browser.
- Made a small change to the rtmp url scanner.
- Added Opera support.
- Added Safari support.
- Removed the need for the LogStub library.
If the audio column shows that there is no audio stream, then use KSV's FLV Fixer script. There maybe is an audio stream, but video players won't play it, because the FLV header says that there is no audio stream. The FLV Fixer script will fix that problem. Maybe I'll translate the script and add it to the Cam4 Downloader if KSV has no problems with that.
I'm bumping into this but have no idea how to use this script along with your program, could you possibly point me in the right direction?