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Old 06-28-2012, 03:00 PM
NowThatsJustDucky NowThatsJustDucky is offline
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Re: How to remove DRM from Amazon Kindle ebooks with,,mobide

Originally Posted by Stream Recorder View Post
Download your ebook with Kindle for PC and then try to use a Calibre plug-in first. Download it from
DRM Tools Archive for ebooks
I've been banging my head against the wall trying to strip the DRM from one single azw3 eBook purchased off Amazon.

Almost every single tool I have used has given some sort of error about no serial or PID or whatever found.

Tried thus far:

calibre with the correct plugin
and even the trial version of Kindle DRM Removal from

In my quest for this functionality, I did see that there is a commercial DRM removal tool out there (in addition to that last one). However, there does not appear to be a trial version of it. So since there is no way to know for certain whether or not it will actually work, there is no effin way I am going to drop the $30 plus on it only to find out it is not what I need either.

I am back to once more trying to get this to work with Calibre and the plugin mentioned to strip DRM from Kindle books.

When I load the book in Calibre (Guild-Wars-Ghosts-of-Ascalon.azw3), with my Kindle Fire's serial number added to the plugin, I get this as the book loads:

"Error: No key found. Please report this failure for help."

Is this a case of no one has yet bothered to update their tools to work with the latest DRM formats? Or is there something else I am overlooking?

The file was downloaded to my computer using Kindle4PC.
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