My deepest thanks for your prompt and considered reply at such a busy time of year to my observations regarding the recording of BBC Radio.
For me,
WM Recorder does succeed in capturing the stream url, as you say, but then fails to make any recording even after the record button is pressed and the various options explored.
NetTransport also fails.
Upon hearing that apparently you are succeeding with these programs, and seeing that WM failed to detect Real Player in my computer when I selected the "Reset Settings" option, I have begun to wonder whether the problem may be that I use Media Payer Classic with its Real plug-in rather than the offical Real Player for streamed radio. It works very well, and avoid's Real's barrage of advertising, etc, but perhaps WM and the others fail to detect it. If this is the problem, and anyone knows of a way round, I'd like to hear of it: otherwise, I'll try re-installing Real Player in the new year.
BBC Radio Ripper does seem to cope with Real Alternative, though.
I was interested in the
Replay Radio streaming option, which I hadn't noticed when I had the program installed, or perhaps my version was too old. I will give that one another try too when I get a moment, and also look forward to experimenting with WM and television.
Thanks again!