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Old 12-19-2007, 12:20 AM
Stream Recorder
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Re: Installing Windows Media Player 10 on Windows Vista 32/64-bit

Originally Posted by mech_supernova View Post
beware of what you do, I did something wrong aparently and eneded up with the most current IBX running in Windows Media Player 10 and it killed my TV tunner then I tried to re-download Windows Media Player 11 and it said thats what I had and it wouldent do anything, finally got fusterated and re-downloaded the OS which wasent so bad because I had done it earlyer in the week and getting this to work was one of the 1st things I started with. everythings good now, except I still cant get this to work.
Turn off Automatic Windows Update. If you update Windows, do it selectively: do not install anything related to Windows Media Player and Windows Media Framework.

Although it won't help if your content provider will force you to upgrade, it can solve many problems.

Also see the following thread:
How to roll back or uninstall Windows Media Player 11 (Windows Vista)
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