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Old 06-13-2012, 05:42 PM
JohnP JohnP is offline
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Re: Is anyone using UnoTelly/UnoDNS to access Netflix?

Hi Pollyana, I use unotelly for about 3 months and I am very excited! You can easy watch Netflix without lags and bugs. I watch Netflix, Hulu and listen to pandora internet radio .

Ok some words on how it's working now. Unotelly utilizes properitory DirectDNS technology to give you access to blocked websites. Unlike other vpn solutions it's a dns based system and that's mean its a lot faster than vpn solutions. Whatever speed your rooter has, with that speed you can stream videos. And the most important thing is that even if you are a novice at internet you can easily set it up. I am very satisfied with Unotelly. I highly recommend you to test it.
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