- Run Firefox
- Install DownloadHelper add-on and restart Firefox.
- Open "Customize Toolbar" dialog. Find the icon for DownloadHelper and drag it onto the toolbar at the top.
- Right click on the icon of Download helper -> Preferences -> MediaReq tab. Add "php" as a supported extension.
- Navigate to deezer and play a song that you want to download.
- You should see the icon of DownloadHelper being animated (spinning) now.
- Click on the down arrow on the icon (not on the icon itself). Then click on cacheDiffusion.php and in the Save file dialog, name it to filename.mp3.
Note that it is not possible to download more than one song (like all the songs in a playlist) at a time from this site.
The trick doesn't work anymore. When trying to save the link you get the following warning:
You've tried to access a protected content.
We inform you that your IP address: localized in France has been recorded in our data base.
We recall you that this behaviour is totally forbidden and reprehensible by the law.
BLOGMUSIK SAS Company will inform all competent authority in acse of abuse.