Streaming media recorders (software capable of recording audio and video streams) such as Replay Media Catcher or WM Recorder are intended for use as personal archiving tools only. Please respect the rights of the copyright holders of any audio material you record.
If you like a broadcast you've recorded, please buy the media! Our web-site is
not intended to be a replacement for the media stores, rather it allows you to listen/watch and
make an educated purchase.
There are many
good reasons to buy music videos, movies and video tutorials:
- You help support an artist, moviemaker, author, ...
- Your video files will be of the highest quality
- You'll sleep better knowing you did the right thing.
There are a lot of means to
protect streaming media from illegal copying and distribution including password-protection and Digital Rights Management (DRM) systems.
You should also read the
Terms of Service (ToS) carefully to make sure your stream recording will not violate it. Otherwise we strongly recommend not to make any recordings.
We can record TV shows with a video cassette recorder, DVR, computer TV and it is not considered illegal. Why stream recording of online TV broadcasts should be considered illegal then?
At the same time we
do NOT support any illegal distribution of the recorded materials.
100% of video streams we know can be recorded using
Screen capture software. We just try to describe a better approach so that our visitors don't waste their time and HD space.
P.S.: If you are a content owner/distributor and you want any information about stream recording from your web-site to be removed from or, please
contact us. Please also make sure your visitors can easily find information prohibiting stream recording from your web-site.