Originally Posted by KSV
rtmpdump works just fine. you only need to provide valid auth token.
rtmpdump -r "rtmp://ajsfreelivefs.fplive.net/ajsfreelive-live/" -a "ajsfreelive-live/?nvb=20120221184808&nva=20120221185338&token=03028e803439009e17b3b" -f "WIN 11,1,102,62" -W "http://www.en.aljazeerasport.tv/ptvFlash/unifiedplayer/authorized/UnifiedPlayer-Tokenized.swf" -p "http://www.en.aljazeerasport.tv/" --live -y "ajs_ar_ch311_500?eventId-706729_partnerId-1346" -o ajs_ar_ch311_500.flv
isnt there a way to bypass the auth code ????????//
RTMPDump v2.4 GIT-2011-12-22 (Compiled by KSV)
(c) 2010 Andrej Stepanchuk, Howard Chu, The Flvstreamer Team; license: GPL
Connecting ...
INFO: Connected...
Starting Live Stream
INFO: Metadata:
INFO: width 512.00
INFO: height 288.00
INFO: framerate 25.00
INFO: videodatarate 436.00
INFO: videocodecid avc1
INFO: audiodatarate 64.00
INFO: audiocodecid mp4a
7081.202 kB / 114.80 sec
i was wondering isnt there a way to bypass the auth thing?????