I hope it's not a problem I post it here, but seems the most updated version of the tools Archive is hosted here:
I feel quite shameless it took me so long to find it out!
Anyway as to beg pardon I'll add my own mirrow for the latest version currently online, the v 4.8:
As of now I really had a bunch of troubles using the Calibre Plugins. It seems they have some problem managing some kind of DRM...
Instead the KindleBooks phyton application works incredible! I really recommend it to everyone is experiencing any problem.
For the ones that doesn't know about Phyton programming language, first go here:
Download the latest version of Active Python, and Install it making sure you choose to install the Win32 Shell Extension.
Then Unzip the KindleBooks folder inside the Tools Archive, open it and double-click on the "KindleBooks.pyw" file.
The Python application will load and it will automatically work without the need of any PID if you've Kindle for PC installed and you're trying to deDRM files downloaded with it.
Hope it helps, Bye.