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Old 10-08-2007, 11:45 PM
Stream Recorder
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Removing DRM from music subscription services

Originally Posted by podko
I just started using Napster to-go and i want to move songs to my ipod. I have tried using FairUse4WM but I can't even figure out how to get past the key loading part. Obviously I need some serious help because I know that part should not be very hard. if anybody would be willing to help me out from start to finish that would be awesome. assuming once i remove the drm I can just add them to my itunes library the same way i would with non-encrypted mp3s.
Please read the quote of avih carefully:
Originally Posted by avih
Please note that while removing DRM for the sake of watching your movie on different players does fall under fait use conditions, keeping it after it expires doesn't, is illegal and is absolutely discouraged. After it expires you should delete all copies of the unprotected movie. The fact that
similar/same technologies are applied for fair use situations is irrelevant. Please keep it on the legal side.
Originally Posted by sonicbox
fairuse4wm is not a a tool intended for everyone to violate 'rental' subscription license & terms of service. You do not have the rights to keep subscription content and "use the music where and how you want to." fairuse4wm should only be used on content you have 'purchased'.
So at least you should delete all unDRMed files from subscription services after stopping using it!

You can learn about removing one-time playing licenses or any other licenses, but you shouldn't abuse music services. Otherwise no music artists will be supported for their work and these beautiful services will be closed eventually.

You should also read the T.O.S. of the service you use carefully. Most probably it will forbidden DRM removal. If it is do not violate the terms you accepted while signing up.

Generally speaking it is not a good idea to remove DRM protection music downloaded from music subscription services. You should remove copy-protection only from your purchased media files.

As for fu4wm 1.3 fix you can read about it in the following FAQ:
FAQ: How to remove DRM from Windows Media Player files with fu4wm13fix-2
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