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Old 09-18-2007, 02:45 PM
Posts: n/a

Re: Troubles with a Logitech Fusion webcam: problems with sound and wipe-outs in vide

Hi There,

Problems have escalated.

If I have my media-player running, I can run it all day, with no problems. Same goes for my Creative-Labs player. The moment I switch on the Logitech-Fusion webcam, the sound from the players either cuts out altogether, or becomes garbled and static distorts the sound. Switch off the webcam, restart the players and the problem goes away.

To check that my sound set-up is okay, I recorded backing tracks from Media-player, into a mixer. I laid down a guitar track on top of this, into the mixer again and onto my hard-drive to make audio recordings without any problems.

The moment I switch on Fusion, to make a video (using the guitar and mixer again of course) the sound gets garbled, or the media player loses sound and no backing is recorded, even though the player is running and the cursor moving along the 'play-line'. The resultant video exhibits the green and black wipe-outs, and loss of sound-track.

So I really do suspect the web-cam, (a reconditioned unit). Updated software hasn't solved the problem, so I have given up. I am going to replace the webcam, for another unit. If that doesn't work, I shall find a better webcam, or maybe use a camcorder. If the worst comes to the worst I will get a Mac with built-in webcam and recording facilities.

Many thanks for the help and advice, which has been spot on, where my problem was pertinent.

My Regards
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