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Old 12-04-2011, 12:42 PM
Vincenzo44 Vincenzo44 is offline
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Re: How to capture Elluminate live and player VCR files (VCR player included)

KSV, you seem to be the resident expert when it comes to downloading Elluminate live recorded sessions

Need your help -

I've tried to follow the instructions provided so far but am unable to load the JNLP files of my classes offline. However, I am able to load the Demo.vcr file though.

Here are the steps I took:

1) Downloaded the PHP file and installed it.

2) Downloaded the latest KSV - Elluminate Player and installed it.

3) Updated my Java to the latest version available for my Vista PC (Version 6 update 6).

When I try to use load any of my JNLP files with the KSV player while the PHP application is running int he background, the KSV command prompt says "this file requires a different version of Elluminate Player"...a few seconds later the Jave Elluminate module starts loading only to give me an error that reads as "Unable to open the URL and unable to open file".

Any clues what I should be doing differently?

Appreciate your help!
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