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Old 08-18-2007, 05:16 AM
Stream Recorder
Posts: n/a

Re: How to download streaming .RM audio files from the radio (rtsp://) streams real media .rm audio file through the RTSP protocol.

You got a wrong URL that is why you were unable to record it. Look at the following .SMIL metafile:

<smil><head><meta name="title" content="Web Radio - Votre radio"/></head><body><seq><audio src=""  title="Permettez-moi de vous prйsenter" /><audio src="rtsp://"  title="De bouche а oreille" /></seq></body></smil>
It has two URLs and your can use the second one starting with rtsp://

I suggest you to read the following FAQ:
How to get the URL of a media stream

NetTransport can record the stream. You may also use other media stream recorders like WM Recorder or Replay AV.

Orbit Downloader didn't show good results in my tests. This stream was one of those that it wasn't able to record correctly.
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