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Old 09-29-2011, 11:05 PM
KSV KSV is offline
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Join Date: Apr 2011
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Re: Download ITV Player using RTMPDump?

here's the short version. this method also works for non UK users with restrictive vpn's.
  1. Run RTMPexplorer and close rtmpsrv by pressing q or closing it's window.
  2. open your video url in RtmpExplorer.
  3. when channel logo video starts playing quickly start rtmpsrv again.
  4. when you see the activity in rtmpsrv window (Duplicate request, skipping) etc. close the RtmpExplorer and rtmpsrv.
  5. copy the last command line from Command.bat. it should be like following.
    rtmpdump -r "rtmpe://" -a "ondemand?ovpfv=1.1&auth=eaEbIcWdPc0csdGdzc9cZaYc1acaLd_dobka.ddbVchdcc1a3dqdxcSclb9aqaRa5dz-boHts0-eV-8zu4DCplDuys&aifp=v002&slist=production/" -f "WIN 10,3,183,10" -W "" -p "" -C Z: -y "mp4:production/CATCHUP/e98b52c6/13b6/4d00/8397/2846345a1073/1-0694-7695-001_CORONATION-STREET-(SERIES-52)-2011_TX190911_ITV400_16X9.mp4" -o 1-0694-7695-001_CORONATION-STREET-(SERIES-52)-2011_TX190911_ITV400_16X9.flv
  6. change the bitrate in command line to download high quality version. e.g replace ITV400_16X9 with ITV1200_16X9
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