ISSUE RESOLVED!! I knew being ever diligent through the weekend would pay off. I now can access this system via my external ip address through IE now. this vid from Ut00b helped me..
the rub was that
when dealing with a dsl modem AND a router (no combo's) that one has to
put the modem in bridge mode so the router's DHCP handles everything!!! I knew where the issue was (DHCP insanity or "too many cooks in the "kitchen"), but every time i would try to disable the modem's DHCP, then the WAN went South. Turning off the router's DHCP didn't work fully either, modem (ol crappy zyx 660) would wig out. Looked for ever on where to bridge mode it
its under the Diagnostics tab for these 660R's. My modem's IP has disappeared tho, but not the issue here