Originally Posted by AmazingMatze
No. The patched version works with -both- servers. As I said: you just have to remove the "--swfVfy / -W" parameter.
I stand corrected it does.
And here to add to the confusion I found a server that from what I can tell works for both without problems
(cp10740.edgefcs.net), the download finishes both times.
rtmpdump --flv "ds_16119_act1_768x432_1720.mp4" --resume --rtmp "rtmpe://cp10740.edgefcs.net/ondemand/mtvnorigin/gsp.comedystor/com/dailyshow/TDS/season_16/episode_119/ds_16119_act1_768x432_1720.mp4" --swfVfy "http://media.mtvnservices.com/player/prime/mediaplayerprime.1.9.2.swf"