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Old 09-11-2011, 09:13 AM
placebo placebo is offline
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Join Date: Aug 2010
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placebo is on a distinguished road

Re: Guide: How to uninstall/install Windows Media Player 9, 10, 11

  • IBX version. The IBX version primarily depends on the wvc version, as mentioned earlier. The wvc serves here as trigger: For each small range of valid wvc version numbers, the IBX version will be the same ... as long as the online DRM license server doesnt act bitchy. Since this thread treats 3 WMP versions (WMP9, WMP10, WMP11) we dont get more than 3 different IBX versions, on a WinXP-SP3 system.
  • DRM components. Okay, the above statement that wvc is the only part of WMP which takes part in DRM-related activities is wrong. Other files which play an essential role are:
    All 7 files are contained in WMFR, while wmdrmsdk.dll wasnt introduced until the release of WMFR11beta1. For example in zune.exe, ZUNE requires (any new or very old version of) wvc to play/download an online song, it requires blackbox.dll to set the IBX, and it requires dmrv2clt.dll to

(post is in progress, hold on... zzZZzz...)

Last edited by placebo : 09-12-2011 at 03:05 AM.
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