Originally Posted by Zero3K
Try a newer version of it. Your problem was probably solved.
Hi, the above quote was answer to the question (posed by billsantos) why
GetFLV doesnt download faster than it should or how one could increase the total download transfer rate in GFLV's gui.
Sorry, somehow your post got lost when i merged your thread with this troubleshooting thread.
You may want to tell us what your download rate is (which video link?) and then we could compare rates. You dont mean the "rate of capturing URLs" (lol), do you? If so, simply ignore. Webpages are being getting complexer and GFLV is far from a perfected piece of software. All we can agree with is, GFLV is quite mature (stable!) and with some patience and trying gets your video downed, somehow. Problem (the download task) solved -- Isnt this what counts most after all?

Yes, try the latest version (v9.0.3.8).
getflv hasnt been writing much lately (forum posts or PM's). Thanks for sharing your experience, tests, suggestions, review, criticism and feedback with us. I'm sorry that getflv hasnt responded so far and that your posts seem to have got ignored. It's probably still summer, hot and vacation at getflv's place (Ch**a

), maybe that's the reason for their low profile these days. We'll see.
Dear prospective customers, hold on with your purchase. If there is no urge to buy, dont rush with it.