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Old 07-13-2011, 02:36 PM
Ed999 Ed999 is offline
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Re: Using RTMPDUMP with BBC iPlayer

On 12 July 2011, the BBC made changes to their iPlayer service for the BBC Radio 'listen again' streams.

The new server is:

The new application is: a5999/e1

The new batch file you need to write is thus -

:: Settings which do NOT change -

SET application=a5999/e1
SET as=adobe-hmac-sha256
SET av=1
SET te=connect

:: Settings from Media Selector page -

SET et=
SET fmta-token=
SET identifier=
SET mp=

rtmpdump -r "rtmp://%server%:1935/%application%?as=%as%&av=%av%&te=%te%&mp=%mp%&et=% et%&fmta-token=%fmta-token%" -a "%application%?as=%as%&av=%av%&te=%te%&mp=%mp%&et= %et%&fmta-token=%fmta-token%" -y "%identifier%" -o output.flv

Therefore if you encounter a problem with anything stated in my earlier posts in this thread, or elsewhere on this forum, the first thing to do is try making these changes -

1. Change to

2. Change a1414/e3 to a5999/e1
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