Originally Posted by kcmule
Thanks KSV. The stream must not be compatible with VLC as I'm not seeing any output on the player.
Ive found this quite common with some live streams with VLC they take quite a lot of time load/buffer/play. But i see from you screenshot you also have SMPlayer which is a frontend GUI of Mplayer so pipe it out to mplayer.
rtmpdump -r "rtmp://npsaflivefs.fplive.net:1935/npsaflive-live/" -a "npsaflive-live/" -f "WIN 10,3,181,14" -W "http://media-player.cdn.level3.net/flash/v1_1_1/Level3MediaPlayer.swf" -p "http://www.windowsintowonderland.org/live/live3.htm" --live -y "stream50" | C:\Program Files\SMPlayer\MPlayer\mplayer.exe -cache 8192 -
Sorry if thats the wrong location for SMPlayer.