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Old 05-06-2011, 05:14 AM
placebo placebo is offline
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Re: unusual streaming (RTMPT, port:80)

Apparently the RTMPT stream is still a challenge to many software coders (Replay Media Catcher 4, HiDownload, NetTransport, GetFLV, Jaksta, ..). Only RTMPDUMP produced 100% perfect results (see above), and also Blader which uses rtmpdump as download engine. Here is the ranking (as of early May, 2011) with big thanks to chap, KSV (for the updated rtmpdump.exe's) and nullacht (who was right from the very beginning!):

shared 1st prize: rtmpdump. file size is reproducibly 170MB, and video can be played back smoothly (with no audible defects in VLC media player). The FLV itself is perfect as is, and certainly does not need any fixing.
shared 1st prize: Blader. downloads reproducibly the same file as RTMPDUMP. just rename from *.MP4 to *.FLV!
2nd prize: Replay Media Catcher 4 (or Jaksta). file size is reproducibly 170MB, downloaded *.FLV-file requires heavy fixing ("Fix duration" + "Fix Time"), and even after that the FLV is not perfect (e.g. wrong duration, wrong file size&crc32)! after all the video can be played back smoothly (with minimal audible defects in VLC media player), so why complain?
3rd prize: HiDownload. 2 test drives, 2 wrong file sizes (350-370MB). video plays smoothly in all players. no sign of videographic or audible corruption.
pending: GetFLV. (GFLV Team promised to include RTMPT support in some future versions/updates of their product. fingers crossed!)

the raw media data (*.aac, *.264) contained in the *.FLV-files downloaded by RMC4 vs. Blader vs. rtmpdump vs. Jaksta are 100% identically the same (crc32 codes). You can verify this fact by extracting the raw data with FLVExtract. Knowing the "videoframerate" to be "15" (How do we know? ), you can then use Yamb to combine the audio and video raw data to package them in a perfect MP4-file ("to remux"). Keeping/saving MP4-files (instead of FLV-files) is always the preferred or recommended procedure anyway.
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