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Old 04-29-2011, 11:09 PM
boneramous lugayness boneramous lugayness is offline
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boneramous lugayness is on a distinguished road

Re: RTMPE stream recording/downloading/capturing/ripping/saving

f**king criminy. after 12 hours of playing with RTMPexplorer, RTMPdump and rtmpsrv, going through tutorials, installing .NET 4, editing HOSTS files, making .bat executables.. none of it worked. rtmpexplorer and rtmpsrv were my biggest waste of time today. literally useless. i had rtmpdump working a few months ago, but it was too much of a pain in the ass just to have it fail after downloading 75% of the stupid video.

on the other hand, GetFLV seemed to work great, though of course i dont have a spare $50 at the moment. cost me $70 to fill my gas tank last week. guess i wont be having the luxury of that program any time soon.

someone mentioned URL Snooper not finding RTMPE streams anymore, and someone else gave the thing a D+ grade. in fact, this is one of the only programs ive been able to use successfully in finding all available streams for one video, and its still working great for me. this is from 20 mins ago at

SO bummed CooJah's record feature doesnt work anymore... so bummed...

Last edited by boneramous lugayness : 04-30-2011 at 04:06 PM. Reason: proper picture thumb added
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