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Old 04-07-2011, 09:22 AM
any ANONYMOUS forum user any ANONYMOUS forum user is offline
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Join Date: Aug 2011
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Posts: 211
any ANONYMOUS forum user is on a distinguished road

Do you pay for software? Do you use cracks, warez, serials?

In the very past i never paid for any kind of software (and who on Earth pays for M$ Office or Nero Burning Rom?). Since 2010 that has changed dramatically. I really enjoy paying for tools (mostly download tools!) which i often use or have been appreciating. I even pay for freeware lol! (paypal donations).

I hprefer the finished retail products. That's the way it goes: Coders do the work; i pay for their product; and i use the user-friendly software without having to bother about the code implementation.

Whatever rtmpdump can download, i can download it too with the help of my purchased Windows tools (Replay Media Catcher, GetFLV, etc. etc.).
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