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Old 12-01-2010, 12:35 PM
placebo placebo is offline
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placebo is on a distinguished road

Re: 25 free music MP3 file downloads from eMusic

Originally Posted by Stream Recorder View Post
Tracks are as low as 22 cents each!
Since November 2010, much has changed on eMusic. So let's use this thread to chat about the new features and st*ff and how to record their tracks in full-length:

First of all, clear your web browser's cache (cookies, temporary internet files).

no matter what the homepage of says, emusic *always* offers all kinds of different FREE trial subscriptions to users with a new credit card. the maximum you can get is ~50 FREE tracks (or its equivalent of 25$ or 25EUR). for this simply do a primitive google search < 50 free emusic > and etc. If you choose the wrong link (google hit), you'll get only 10$ or 5$ worth of tracks. (each track costs 0.49). Good luck!

Once you're signed up on a trial and want to continue the monthly subscription after the trial, you'll know why emusic is the most popular (after itunes) music service on the internet. just have a look at the wealth of user-friendly subscription options!!!

the marked "connoisseur" option is the most recommendable offer: with 79.99$ you can download (97.99/0.49=) 199tracks (or 16 albums). Doing the maths, you pay (79.99/199=) 0.40$ per track, or (79.99/16=) 4.99$ per album! On itunes, you pay 9.99$ for the same album!!

New albums are encoded in LAME V0 (codec version 3.98), old albums are still posted in LAME V2 (codec version 3.9x). The files are hosted on the domain, servers are , ,, etc. Files are downloaded thru the http protocol, so we have a primitive and unprotected http://*.mp3 coupling.

A typical download url has this format:
with *** being a 172(!) chars long code string (e.g. cMTvg94I-HITU_xX....etcetc)
You can find this URL within the *.EMX-file which accompanies each track download. Open the file (Internet media type: text/xml) with any text editor and you will see something like this:

You can share the URL with your friends. They can download it with any web browser. The screenshot says something about expiration date.. so it is safe to assume that the URL will die after some time. (EDIT: the URL dies within 24hours.)

Knowing 1 such URL of an album it is possible to re-construct the download URL's of the remaining tracks of the album with the help of the html source code of the albumpage and some dubious freeware tools mentioned on this forum. Strangely, those links work only on the own PC (with subscriber's account login and cookies set). Friends cant download my/the constructed links

Does anyone know why this is so? Maybe i should ask emusic support (customer service)..

Now everybody knows why i think that emusic is the best. You only need to sign up for the cheapest option (e.g. eMusic Lite or Preferred eMusic Lite) and the rest is all in your hands..

an interesting interview:
it says that Google, Sony, and Apple are likely to launch some streaming music service to rival Spotify. At least that's what i've understood. Sounds good to me! (since emusic tracks are not streams but this website is dedicated to streams!)
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