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Old 01-13-2011, 02:51 AM
Apprentice Alf Apprentice Alf is offline
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How to remove DRM from ebooks

How to remove DRM from ebooks on Windows

The simplest way for Windows users to remove the DRM from their ebooks is to use calibre and the dedrm Calibre plugins. See the post below.

If you don’t want to use Calibre, for whatever reason, there are other ways to use the dedrm tools to remove DRM from your ebooks, including an all in one DeDRM Drag and Drop tool. However, all of them require you to install Python first, as Windows does not come with Python built-in. You will also need to install some encryption software that works with Python: PyCrypto.

Installing Python on Windows
I recommend installing ActiveState’s Active Python, Community Edition for Windows (x86) 32 bits. This is a free, full version of the Python.
  1. Download ActivePython 2.7.1 for Windows (x86) (or later 2.7 version for Windows (x86) ) from Do not download the ActivePython 2.7.1 for Windows (64-bit, x64) verson, even if you are running 64-bit Windows.
  2. When it has finished downloading, run the installer. Accept the default options.
Installing PyCrypto on Windows
PyCrypto is a set of encryption/decryption routines that work with Python. The sources are freely available, and compiled versions are available from several sources. You must install a version that is for 32-bit Windows and Python 2.7. I recommend the installer linked from Michael Foord’s blog.
  1. Download PyCrypto 2.1 for 32bit Windows and Python 2.7 from
  2. When it has finished downloading, unzip it. This will produce a file “pycrypto-2.1.0.win32-py2.7.exe”.
  3. Double-click “pycrypto-2.1.0.win32-py2.7.exe” to run it. Accept the default options.
You now have Python and PyCrypto installed on your computer, and you can use the Python scripts contained in the large 7z file of dedrm tools.

Download the tools 7z file, unpack it (You may need to install freeware 7zip first), and follow the instructions in the readme files in the appropriate folder. Nearly all the tools are in the form of python scripts that will run with a user interface when you double-click them (.pyw files). There is no need to open a command window.
DeDRM_WinApp is is an easy to use all in one Drag and Drop tool written in python that has the same functionality as the DeDRM Mac OS X tool described in another post. There is a ReadMe file inside the tools zip archive that explains how to install and use this tool.

Kindle and Mobipocket ebooks
Use the KindleBooks tool in the KindleBooks_Tools folder. This will remove the DRM from ebooks downloaded to Kindle ereaders, Kindle for PC, and also older Mobipocket ebooks. The Kindle_4_PC_Unswindle tool is only included in the tools because it’s useful for Linux users. It is not needed for Windows users.

ePub and PDF ebooks downloaded to Adobe Digital Editions
  1. Use the ineptkey tool first. This is found in both Adobe_ePub_Tools and Adobe_PDF_Tools. You only need to run it once, and it creates an adeptkey.der file that you will need to use with the other tools.
  2. Use the ineptepub tool from the Adobe_ePub_Tools folder to remove the DRM from ePubs downloaded to Adobe Digital Editions.

    Use the ineptpdf tool from the Adobe_PDF_Tools folder to remove the DRM from PDFs downloaded to Adobe Digital Editions.
ePub ebooks from Barnes & Noble (for Nook)
  1. Use the ignoblekeygen tool from the Barnes_and_Noble_ePub_Tools folder. You only need to run it one, and it creates a bnepubkey.b64 file that you will need to use with the other tool.
  2. Use the ignobleepub tool from the Barnes_and_Noble_ePub_Tools folder to remove the DRM from ePubs from Barnes and Noble
eReader ebooks from Barnes and Noble and elsewhere (e.g. fictionwise)
  1. Use the eReaderPDB2PML tool from the eReader_PDB_Tools folder to remove the DRM from eReader ebooks, generating a PML file (& a folder of images)
  2. Get DropBook for Windows from
  3. Use DropBook to compile the PML file (& folder of images) back into an eReader file.
Microsoft LIT Ebooks
Use the ConvertLit application (not a python script) from
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