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Old 04-12-2007, 07:07 AM
Stream Recorder
Posts: n/a

Re: Capture/Record Joost (p2p Internet TV videos)

And I don't think there ever be a stream recorder that will record videos from Joost. There is only one service that uses this proprietory software to deliver TV content. If someone releases a stream recorder for Joost, its developers can easily make a small fix and force users to upgrade the software. The life of stream recorders for such services is way too short and there is no sense to develop them.

I don't like services that limit my rights. If I can record my local TV broadcast freely, why should I use any IP service that doesn't allow me to do the same?

If you like Joost I suggest you to keep bugging the developers to offer recorded programs to be downloaded as well. Otherwise switch to other services that have such an option.
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