12-29-2010, 02:24 PM
 Re: Fixing FLV files (live stream recordings) with Fix FLV tool of Replay Media Catch
Originally Posted by ApplianFAQ
Sometimes when recording webcams or other live streams the site does not provide meta data. In particular the duration in the meta data is important in FLV files because it allows you to search forward in the FLV file in many players. Without it you can not rapidly seek forward in the file.
Sometimes a recorded live streams/webcams video and audio may also be out of sync because the server is sending incorrect timestamps
FAQ on the Applian main site about using Fix FLV with live streams:
Originally Posted by ApplianFAQ
After a live stream is recorded, the Fix FLV tool will run automatically in order to add the duration metadata in (if its missing). This allows the file to be seeked. If the FLV file plays back at the wrong speed or out of sync, you need to fix the timestamps manually. Here's how: - Click Tools -> Fix FLV and select the file to be fixed.
Or, if the file is still in Replay Media Catcher's main list, right-click on it and select Fix FLV. - Expand the File Contents section

- Set timestamp to 15 and click "Fix Time".
If the resulting file is still fast or slow then the time stamp can be adjusted further. But, 15 usually does the trick. Be sure to click the Fix Time button, or your changes will not be applied.