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Old 04-16-2006, 03:10 AM
Stream Recorder
Posts: n/a

Capture HTTP/HTTPS flash FLV and MP4 video files with free Jaksta Free Media Recorder

Jaksta Free Media Recorder is a freeware browser toolbar allowing you to capture HTTP and HTTPS streaming videos and convert them to popular audio/video formats. The Free Cache Viewer can examine and extract video from the caches of Internet Explorer, FireFox and Google Chrome.

How to capture HTTP and HTTPS streaming .FLV videos with freeware Jaksta Free Media Recorder:
  1. Install Jaksta Free Media Recorder
  2. Start your Firefox or Internet Explorer browser.
  3. Navigate to a web page with your video stream and play it in the embedded flash player.
  4. Select the Video History (History icon) on the Free Media Recorder Toolbar in your browser.

  5. Free Video History will appear and display a thumbnail image for each video you have watched previously.

  6. Click any thumbnail to extract that video. Once the video is extracted a green tick is placed

  7. To remove a video from the history click the red X that appears when hovering over a thumbnail.
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