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Old 04-16-2006, 02:27 AM
Stream Recorder
Posts: n/a

Recording/Getting/Capturing/Downloading .FLV flash videos streamed through the HTTP

This thread is an add-on to the following FAQ:
FAQ: How to record/download/capture/save Macromedia/Adobe Flash .FLV video HTTP stream from embedded player

To record/capture/save/rip/snag/download/catch http:// flash video .flv stream from embedded Adobe Flash Player may use the following Flash video ripper and Flash video capture software:
  • Replay Media Catcher - can find http:// stream URLs and automatically download HTTP flash video .FLV streams from embedded Adobe Flash player.
  • Freecorder Toolbar - freeware browser toolbar that allows to automatically download HTTP and HTTPS flash videos.
  • Jaksta Free Media Recorder - freeware browser toolbar that allows to automatically download HTTP and HTTPS flash videos.
  • WebVideoCap - freeware program that allows to capture packets coming to Flash Player via HTTP protocol.
  • Jaksta - automatically download and capture packets coming to your flash player.
  • WM Recorder can find http:// stream URLs and automatically download/capture HTTP flash video .FLV streams from embedded Adobe Flash player.
  • Orbit Downloader can download HTTP flash videos. Its Grab++ can find HTTP stream URLs.
  • Rip Tiger can download HTTP flash videos automatically.
  • Ask & Record Toolbar - freeware browser toolbar that allows to automatically download HTTP and HTTPS flash videos.
  • Bit Recorder - automatically captures packets coming to your flash player.
  • PIAFCTM is a network data capturing utility that provides both packet capturing and HTTP (Web) based file capturing. This can allow you to capture streams coming to your PC through the HTTP protocol.
  • Unlocker is a small freeware utility that allows you to copy and rename shared files (instead of getting one of the following error messages: "Cannot delete file: Access is denied", "There has been a sharing violation", "The source or destination file may be in use", "The file is in use by another program or user".

Please note that many web-sites use RTMP protocol for their flash video stream. The URLs of such streams start with rtmp://. They are much harder to record than HTTP streams. All RTMP flash video rippers can download HTTP flash videos. See the following thread for more:
How to record rtmp:// flash video .flv stream from embedded Adobe Flash Player

Last edited by Stream Recorder : 04-11-2009 at 02:58 AM. Reason: update
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